We flew to Erie, Pennsylvania for the weekend for a family wedding. It was Lucy's first flight and she did wonderfully. (Big Brother stayed home with Grandma and had much more fun digging in dirt and going for boat rides.)
Lucy got a new dress for the occasion and she was the prettiest little girl there if I do say so myself.
Lucy got a new dress for the occasion and she was the prettiest little girl there if I do say so myself.
At the reception there was a lot of this with her birthday buddy.
While Mommy and Daddy were doing a little of this...

While we all recovered the next day, Lucy got to meet the best baby-holder in the whole wide world, Uncle Bobby.
It was fun to get away for a few short days especially while Lucy is still in that easy, portable newborn stage. But now we're all back home and life is back to normal with two kids. I think I just might be getting the hang of this. And if not, at least it's a short 4-day week!
And I thought I was the queen of partay-ing. Rock on with your bad postpartum self.